Patriot (Marvel Legends)
Custom Type:
Action Figure
Toy Series:
165 hrs.
Base Figure:
6   inches
Dated Submitted:


So I logged on to FigureRealm and I saw a custom by a cat calling himself ASCH….
and foremost, I have to say I was blown away by the double whammie of
his skill and the use two of my favorite things MARVEL…..
Captain America and Eli Bradely…….

I really liked the concept of what he did with ELi (in his words~)” Cap is dead. Bucky is a joke. Osborn is the Man.
Dark Reign prevail. In this reality Eli grows up harsh, keeping all his boy`s dreams deep inside. The time of gun and
blood has come now..”

I thought too, let’s take it a bit further…Being a Super Solider, Eli
Would age slower than most heroes, so I imagine him still around in the
time of the Rise of the Villains”, the Old Man Logan storyline.

envisioned his costume to be functional and a bit rough (the days of
flashy tights are over) with all a man needs to survive… his gun, his
knife, and his shield……times have changed and Eli has too. I opted
for the bare arms to give him that “Mad Max” look..
Thanks for the inspiration ASCH….


head – HASBRO World War II Capt. America (2pack).. I also sculpted the ears, mask, shaved off the hair
upper, lower torso – ML two shield agent- sculpted shirt
legs – ML Blade
boots -ML8 Capt. America
jacket – FF movie Johnny Storm on snowboard
arms and hands – ML Blade

gun and holster – FACE OFF random Battlestar Galactica figure
gun (+removable optic sight – stored on magnet, on Patriot`s utility belt) – Metal Gear Solid Snake
scarf – some Final Fantasy figure
shied – ML Patriot, painted, sculpted holders

other additions were sculpted or made from leftovers


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The figures contained in the Custom Showcase are not for sale by Afrosuperlistic, and the creators of the customs are no way affiliated with Afrosuperlistic. The Custom Showcase is purely for entertainment & educational purposes and only provides a means for the creators to show off their work and trade ideas. Afrosuperlistic does not make or sell customs. If you want a figure, contact the cusomizers privately!


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